In 1995 he caused another uproar by declaring the death of the Arabs as a nation: He named Nasser "the last of the prophets", in a poem lamenting his death in 1970 and defaming Arab leaders who About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. He was later taken with Nasser's romantic vague idea of one Arab nation - which never worked since citizens of Arabic-speaking nations often don't understand one another. He was impressed by Nasser's anti-British stance during the ill-fated Suez campaign.
He worshipped the populist leader Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser, who eradicated pluralist liberal democracy from Egypt. His later poetry attacked the tyranny and corruption of Arab regimes yet he supported the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. (The word bosom in Arabic relates only to a naked female in an erotic way.) His Wild Poems, also published in 1948, was about eroticism and gay love. Its provocative title The Childhood of a Bosom caused a scandal in the conservative Damascus of 1948. Again, he always remembered his illiterate mother selling her jewellery to raise the money to publish his first anthology. His sister's suicide, when she was forbidden to marry the man she loved, had deeply affected him as a teenager.